Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Establishing our sites

First, try to know some people which in grow with community in your industry. Because only this basic community can do a lot more then person who have different community with you. This is a simple thing to do, just find other people that have site like yours.

Some people will sit back and wait that their industry will be growing up magically. Hope that industry will find them by it self. Remember, nothings gonna be happen if you not do this gonna be happen. So make it happen.

There are a lot of different ways to get to know the people that have solid sites in your industry but the first step is simply making a list of the people/sites that you need to get to know. There are a few key things that I would note down when you make your list:

* Name of each site owner
* URL of each site
* Contact information for the site owners
* Whether each site has one author or multiple authors
* If the sites accept guest articles/posts

Keep in mind that you aren’t going to get to know each of these people all at once. You’ll start by trying to get to know that ones that have sites that are more at your level. The people that have really popular sites probably won’t be as approachable because they’re going to have a bunch of people trying to contact them every day.

Finding Sites/Contacts To Add To Your List

There are a couple techniques that I use to make a list of contacts to add to my list:

* Searching Google for my keyword and for related keywords
* Searching Technorati for my keyword and for related keywords

Usually I can add a ton of contacts to my list by going through those two sites. The sites that rank well in Google will be the ones that can help you the most, but will also be the hardest to get help from. The next step in the 30 Days To Better SEO will cover contacting these people so today we’re going to stop here. Make your list!!